Spacecraft technology and space environment  

Aims - being able to evaluate the different elements of an aerospace missions: launching, orbital mechanics and corrections, performing the mission requirements during the lifetime of a spacecraft - dimensioning and evaluating different (sub)systems of a spacecraft (phase 0-level): structure, propulsion, orbital and attitude control, energy management, thermal control, material choice, payload,…. - acquiring insight of existing aerospace technologies, specific loads and test procedures: launch vehicles, satellite systems, launch and environmental loads - getting acquainted to project phasing and scheduling Module 3.87 ects. Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Lecture (B-KUL-H04X5a) 1. Introduction - History and overview of aerospace 2. Orbital mechanics - Keplerorbits and central force field - Generalization of force field: geopotential, flattening and asymmetry - Orbit perturbuations: periodic and permanent - Swing-by and Lagragian points 3. Propulsion, Rockets and Launch - Propulsion: thrust, specific impulse, solid, liquid and electrical propulsion, propulsion systems - Rocket equation: ideal acceleration and losses, ∆v,… - Rockets: working principles, performance, multi-staging - Launching: optimalisation, minimum ∆v, injection errors - Ariane rocket: technical description, performance and evolutions 4. Satellites - Goal, construction and subsystems - Telecommunication satellites and other applications - Structure: loads, materials, construction - Thermal control: passive, active, materials,.. - Orbital and attitude control: spin en 3D-stabilized S/C, sensors en control-units - Electrical power: solar arrays, batteries,… - TTC: antennas, telecommunication - Project management: phasing and testing 5. Space Environment - microgravity, vacuum, atomic oxygen - space weather, electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, radiation belts,… - Meteorides, space debris Module 1.13 ects. Spacecraft Technology and Space Environment: Practicals (B-KUL-H04X6a) 1. Introduction - History and overview of aerospace 2. Orbital mechanics - Keplerorbits and central force field - Generalization of force field: geopotential, flattening and asymmetry - Orbit perturbuations: periodic and permanent - Swing-by and Lagragian points 3. Propulsion, Rockets and Launch - Propulsion: thrust, specific impulse, solid, liquid and electrical propulsion, propulsion systems - Rocket equation: ideal acceleration and losses, ∆v,… - Rockets: working principles, performance, multi-staging - Launching: optimalisation, minimum ∆v, injection errors - Ariane rocket: technical description, performance and evolutions 4. Satellites - Goal, construction and subsystems - Telecommunication satellites and other applications - Structure: loads, materials, construction - Thermal control: passive, active, materials,.. - Orbital and attitude control: spin en 3D-stabilized S/C, sensors en control-units - Electrical power: solar arrays, batteries,… - TTC: antennas, telecommunication - Project management: phasing and testing 5. Space Environment - microgravity, vacuum, atomic oxygen - space weather, electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation, radiation belts,… - Meteorides, space debris More information at:
Spacecraft technology and space environment

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